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Tally Virtual User (TVU) represents an instance of Tally.ERP 9 that runs in or is accessed through a virtualized environment or via tools like Windows RDP, Windows Thin Client, Citrix, and similar technologies. In simpler terms, if you use Windows RDP or comparable technologies to connect to Tally.ERP 9, you will need a license that includes a Tally Virtual User entitlement.In line with our commitment to making your experience with Tally.ERP more convenient and addressing the growing demand for anytime, anywhere access, we have updated our licensing policy to officially recognize and support the virtual use of Tally.ERP 9. This is facilitated through the introduction of a Tally Virtual User (TVU) pack. This change came into effect on July 1, 2020.

Each Tally license includes a default (free) lifetime entitlement of virtual users. For instance, a single-user Tally.ERP license comes with one free TVU pack, while a multi-user license includes 10 free TVU packs. If you have a Tally.Server 9 license, you receive an additional entitlement of 20 free TVU packs, resulting in a total of 30 free TVU packs (20 for Tally.Server 9 and 10 for Tally.ERP 9 multi-user licenses). This update is designed to ensure that you have the necessary TVU entitlements for your virtualized Tally.ERP access needs.


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